School Overview

East Hamersley Primary School is a Western Australian Government School and part of the North Metropolitan Region. The school was established in 1979 and is located in the suburb of Hamersley. The school is centred in a residential area bounded by Beach Road to the North, Wanneroo Road to the East, Erindale Road to the West and the Reid Highway to the South. The school provides a range of educational programs for students from Kindergarten to Year Six and has a Principal and Deputy Principal. Specialist programs are provided in the areas Music, Art, Physical and Health Education.

The school facilities include a library, music room and an undercover assembly area. Classrooms are spread throughout the school in three blocks as well as an Early Childhood block. Interactive whiteboards have been installed in all classrooms that have internet access. The school is an accredited Water Wise, Waste Wise and Asthma Friendly School. Students also participate in the school choir and the School of Instrumental Music (SIM) provides tuition in clarinet. Selected students also participate in accredited gifted and talented programs provided by the regional PEAC initiative.

East Hamersley Primary School became an Independent Public School in 2015. The school is part of the Balcatta, Greenwood Warwick (BGW) Network of schools. The school is also part of a Professional Learning Community comprising Glendale Primary School, Hawker Park Primary School, Greenwood Primary School and Warwick Senior High.

The East Hamersley Primary School site is host to the West Coast Language Development Centre that include a Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year 1 LDC class. Teachers regularly seek out and engage in formal and informal professional learning with staff from the WCLDC to enhance their teaching and assessment practices. This has allowed for a reciprocal partnership to develop between the two schools allowing for the up skilling of teachers from both schools in language development and improving teacher practice in Literacy.

At East Hamersley Primary School we believe that language skills are the foundation of later school success. This has seen the beginning and extensions of partnerships in the wider community such as the local library, the State Library’s Better Beginnings Program, Speech and Occupational Therapists and the Child Health Nurses.

The school’s vision is underpinned by a collaborative professional learning culture which is driven by high quality teaching and learning, collaboration and high expectations. Teachers at East Hamersley Primary School are highly skilled, passionate and experienced across all phases of schooling East Hamersley Primary School is a high performing school that has been reviewed for exemplary practice. The Expert Review Group stated in its report ‘there is much to be learned from the exemplary practices at East Hamersley Primary School, which have contributed to sustained high levels of student achievement compared with like schools. The school has a vision through which staff, parents and the community expresses confidence in the school.’ In 2013 the school was a finalist in the Education Awards for ‘school of the year’ and was recognised by the Director General as a school who delivers excellence in public education.

Primary classes are structured to compliment the school commitment to SAER (Students at Educational Risk) and TAGS (Talented and Gifted Students). An Early Intervention program is offered for those students experiencing difficulties in Literacy in the Early Years. In Year 6 students are given the opportunity to lead and manage their peers in various sporting and school activities. The Student Council is led by two School Captains who are supported by 4 Councillors and two Faction Captains.

Highly effective relationships with the wider school community exist with a very active School Board and Parents and Citizens’ Association who meet twice each term. The East Hamersley School Board consists of 11 members – the Board Chair, Principal, 2 community members, 3 parent members – one of who is the P&C representative, 3 teachers and an executive officer. East Hamersley Primary School has established inclusive partnerships between students, parents, staff and the community. Parents are welcome at all times. In addition to informal meetings with teachers, various after hour’s functions are held where parents are informed of policy and direction. Parent/teacher interviews are conducted on a needs basis throughout the year.

East Hamersley Primary School is an outstanding school committed to providing a safe and caring environment in which students can feel comfortable to learn and grow. The school has a well-established relationship with the community and continually works hard to maintain positive links with the community.