
School Curriculum and Standards Authority

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority was and established as an independent statutory authority in 2012, and is responsible for Kindergarten to Year Twelve curriculum, assessment, standards and reporting for all Western Australian schools. A number of approved international schools also deliver the Western Australian Curriculum by arrangement with the Authority. We are adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum to reflect the context of Western Australian schools and meet the needs of our teachers and students.

For Kindergarten to Year 10, the curriculum is brought together in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.

The Outline includes the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines; the curriculum content that students should be taught at each year level; the Pre-primary to Year 10 curriculum and standards of achievement in each learning area; a mandated policy for reporting student achievement; and annotated student work samples, which are a valuable reference point for teachers. The Authority has responsibility for the moderation of assessment and grading, helping to ensure the comparability of reporting of student achievement across all schools throughout the State.

For further information head to the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority website.