From the Principal

On behalf of the staff of our great school, I look forward to forming a positive partnership with you so that we can give your child the best opportunities to prosper academically, socially, emotionally and morally. East Hamersley Primary School has been recognised by the Department of Education for its outstanding performance and has an ‘exemplary’ status as awarded by the Departments Education Review Group . We proudly stand by our school motto “inspiring a culture of excellence in all that we do”.

As leader of this school it is my privilege and responsibility to ensure that the four priorities of success for all students, high quality teaching, effective leadership and strong governance and support are at the forefront of everything we do at East Hamersley.

Teaching staff strive for quality teaching, complemented by a strong focus on values and develop new programs and initiatives that reflect the needs of our students and community. Consistent with the School Improvement and Accountability Framework (2008), East Hamersley Primary School places successful students at the core of everything we do. This is achieved through an evidence-based approach to the planning and implementation of all academic and non-academic programs, and evaluation of all outcomes in relation to their impact on student achievement and progress.

East Hamersley Primary School continually strives to be responsive to students’ individual needs while also building a sense of community through cooperative and collaborative endeavour. We aim for consistently high achievement, and a supportive school culture that maximizes the opportunities of all students to reach their academic, social and personal potential. The school has developed structures and processes to monitor our progress through a cycle of planning, implementation and evaluation of all programs as we constantly seek to improve the daily experience and the long-term outcomes of our students.

James Baker